USAREC US Army Recruiting Command
in Jacksonville, FL
Bringing quality young men and women into the Army – people who will complete their tours of duty and make a contribution to the Nation’s defense – is the objective of the U.S. Army Recruiting Command as it goes about the mission of providing the strength for America’s Army.
The U.S. Army Recruiting Command is responsible for manning both the Active Army and the U.S. Army Reserve, ensuring security and readiness for our Nation. Recruiting operations are conducted throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and at U.S. facilities in Germany and Asia.
The USAREC headquarters, located at Fort Knox, Ky., provides the command, control and staff support to the recruiting force. More than 400 officers, enlisted members and civilian employees work in diverse areas such as personnel, administration, resource management, safety, market research and analysis, public relations and recruiting operations. The command has its own inspector general, staff judge advocate and headquarters command.
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Local Contact
Logan Berghoefer
Phone: 904-761-8929
Email: logan.j.berghoefer.mil@army.mil
1307 3rd Avenue Fort Knox, KY 40121
Recruiting Duty/Questions: 502-626-0465 or 502-626-1736