Veterans Village of Northeast Florida Inc.
We understand that we cannot end homelessness in the veteran community, but we CAN & WILL make an impact. We are hoping to help 1000 homeless military veterans get off the streets and on the road to recovery
The Veterans Village of Northeast Florida, Inc. (VVNEFL) will be creating & maintaining a tiny house community for our homeless military veterans. This community will have all the resources that our homeless veterans will need to not only live a better life but to integrate back into society and the workforce if they are able to do so. This community will be open to all Active Duty Members, Veterans & their families to use not only the resources but to also enjoy everything this veteran’s community will have to offer. We are seeking 125 acres in Northeast Florida which to begin this venture. 100 acres will be for houses, therapies, resources. While the other 25 is for sustainable income to continue the mission of the VVNEFL.